Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Who Can Obtain an Asbestos Settlement?

Who Can Obtain an Asbestos Settlement?
By Tony Ulrich

A victim of an asbestos induced injury may be eligible for an asbestos settlement as a compensation for their damages and losses. An asbestos injury is caused by exposure to the material.

Toxic airborne fibers contaminate the air and that can be extremely dangerous and harmful to anyone who ingests or inhales them. As a result, serious or fatal health conditions may develop in an affected person.

Diseases caused by asbestos exposure include lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma. Asbestosis is not a cancer, however, very serious as it causes the build up of scar tissue that directly impairs the regular function of the lungs. The latency period of asbestosis can exceed 30 years. Other than lung cancer, cancer of the pancreas, the kidneys, colon and larynx can be a result of asbestos exposure.

Mesothelioma is rare, but it is a fatal form of cancer and it is exclusively linked to the exposure to asbestos. Before a patient shows the first signs of mesothelioma, the illness has usually remained dormant for many years or even up to several decades.

Asbestos occurs naturally as a fibrous mineral. It has been manufactured to a broad spectrum of products for over hundred years. The risks involved by getting exposed to asbestos, has been known for a long time.

However, some corporations decided against their better knowledge and continued to have their employees getting in frequent and intense contact with the material, without the adequate protection.

And even nowadays, 1.5 million workers in asbestos jobs such as in ship building, railroad and automotive production, are still exposed to the hazardous substance.

The government did enact rules and regulations in relation to the amount of asbestos an employee can be exposed to, which is 0.1 fibers per ccm over the course of eight hours. Over a period of 30 minutes, 1 fiber per ccm is permissible.

If a worker gets injured and develops an illness that is a direct result of an employer's negligence to protect him properly, he may have the legal grounds to file charges and seek compensation through an asbestos settlement claim.

When filing for an asbestos lawsuit, the assistance of a specialized and reputable asbestos attorney can not only help you to protect your rights as a victim, but also ensure that you get the maximum out of your case.

An asbestos lawsuit is founded on the victim's ability to prove that his injuries were caused by the exposure to asbestos, and that the injuries occurred due to the defendant's negligence.

Frequently, an asbestos settlement does not go into court, but can be negotiated with the defendant's insurance company before trial. The stature of limitations gives a claimant a certain amount of time in which he needs to come forward and file his claim. That time period can vary from jurisdiction and state.

If you have suffered asbestos injuries and want to learn more about possible compensation options, it is advisable to contact a mesothelioma lawyer and schedule a free consultation.

The author Tony Ulrich was diagnosed with kidney cancer in October of 2009. In his research on what his cancer could have been caused by, he came across with data that suggests a strong link to environmental toxics, such as asbestos. Please visit his Kidney Cancer and Asbestos Exposure Mesothelioma website for more details.

Article Source:

Who Can Obtain an Asbestos Settlement?
By Tony Ulrich

Who Might Be Eligible For an Asbestos Compensation?

Who Might Be Eligible For an Asbestos Compensation?
By Tony Ulrich

The answer to that question is fairly straight forward: anyone who has been diagnosed with an asbestos induced disease, and whose health condition can be conclusively linked back to negligence or misconduct of another party, might have the grounds for an asbestos compensation claim. However, being eligible for filing a claim does not mean that a person is also automatically entitled to receive a monetary asbestos compensation recovery.

Asbestos products have done a lot of harm to thousands of people over the past few decades. Formerly a highly praised substance, known for its outstanding properties as a building and insulation material, asbestos has come to be known a lethal thread to anybody who is being exposed to it.

Experts claim that as long as asbestos products remain undamaged, nobody is a risk of getting sick. The situation may drastically change, though, once damages occur such as broken asbestos tiles or cracks in asbestos house siding. Microscopically toxic dust particles get airborne and contaminate the surrounding air.

Anybody on site or in close proximity is at risk of either ingesting or inhaling the substance which ultimately may cause severe health conditions such as asbestosis, mesothelioma and certain kinds of lung cancers.

And as a matter of fact, a lot of the cases where new patients have been diagnosed with asbestos induced illnesses could have been prevented.

The risk involved of being exposed to asbestos is known since the mid 1980s; yet, irresponsible employers or landlords simply failed to take action in installing the adequate safety measures to protect their employees or their tenants, respectively, and therefore put them, against their better knowledge, at a high risk.

And such incidents do warrant asbestos compensation claims. In a first step the claimant should seek legal advice from an experienced and reputable attorney with a proven track record of successfully litigated asbestos settlement claims and lawsuits. Requesting a free consultation is advisable to get an impression on the attorney's style and personality.

But even before that I would recommend to get started on gathering as much relevant data and documentation as possible, pertaining to your health condition. This may include but shouldn't be limited to: pathology reports, any attestations from your health care providers, pictures, employment and rental contracts, etc.

The more thorough your case can be documented, the more substantial it becomes, which will help your asbestos attorney to frame a solid compensation claim.

Most importantly, don't wait but take action right after your diagnosis. The stature of limitations sets forth clear rules and regulations as to the time in which an individual must come forward in order to file an asbestos compensation.

The author Tony Ulrich was diagnosed with kidney cancer in October of 2009. In his research on what his cancer could have been caused by, he came across with data that suggests a strong link to environmental toxics, such as asbestos. Please visit his Kidney Cancer and Mesothelioma Information website for more details.

Article Source:

Who Might Be Eligible For an Asbestos Compensation?
By Tony Ulrich

Toxic Asbestos - Have You Been Exposed?

Toxic Asbestos - Have You Been Exposed?
By Frederick Schenk

Asbestos is a very abundant and very dangerous material. Inhalation of microscopic airborne asbestos fibers can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. Many people have been exposed to asbestos, either in the workplace or in their homes, without their knowledge.

This article will help you understand the sources of asbestos exposure, and learn whether you may have been a victim of corporate negligence.

If you have developed mesothelioma, asbestosis, or lung cancer, and you believe that asbestos was involved, you may have a legal claim.The risk of toxic exposure is greatest for people who have worked in industries and workplaces in which asbestos products were used. These include:

  • asbestos mining and milling
  • manufacture of asbestos tiles
  • manufacture of asbestos fabrics
  • shipbuilding trades
  • insulation work in construction
  • electricians
  • plasterers
  • pipe fitters
  • railroad workers
  • building demolition
  • drywall installation
  • drywall removal
  • other asbestos removal
  • firefighting
  • asbestos tile setters
  • boiler workers
  • aluminum plant workers
  • manufacture of brake linings
Shipbuilding and ship repair involves many materials that contain asbestos, and in shipyards workers often worked in small, poorly ventilated spaces with materials that released large quantities of asbestos fibers into the air.

In Southern California, the Long Beach Shipyard (also called the US Naval Dry Docks and the Terminal Island Naval Shipyard), the San Diego Naval Shipyard, and NASSCO have employed thousands of workers in the shipbuilding trades, including pipe fitters, boilermakers, electricians, welders, machinists, filers, polishers, sanders, buffers, heat treaters, maintenance workers, engineers, draftsmen, and others.

People who have worked in shipbuilding in any capacity, even for a matter of weeks or months, at any time in their lives, are at increased risk for developing mesothelioma. They should always tell their healthcare providers about their exposure.

Many people live in homes built before 1990, in which asbestos was widely used in construction, or they work or go to school in buildings where asbestos products were used.

As long as the asbestos-containing materials such as asphalt tile and roofing materials are not sanded, scraped, filed, cut, or otherwise disturbed or removed, the asbestos fibers are less likely to escape into air and the inhalation hazard is low.

If a person lives or works in a structure in which one or more of these or other asbestos-containing products have been removed or disturbed, the risk of asbestos exposure rises. Removal of products that contain to asbestos should be done only by workers trained in asbestos removal.

If you have received a diagnosis of mesothelioma, and you believe that your mesothelioma developed as a result of workplace exposure to asbestos, you may have a legal claim against the corporation that permitted the exposure, or the manufacturer of the asbestos product.

San Diego mesothelioma lawyer Frederick Schenk and Casey Gerry's team of asbestos attorneys and paralegals in San Diego, California have helped thousands of people through the asbestos claims process and through mesothelioma litigation.

Their work has achieved compensation for mesothelioma victims from the companies that manufactured, installed and sold asbestos products throughout the United States.

Mr Schenk and his team of experienced asbestos lawyers and mesothelioma attorneys and staff are dedicated professionals, ready to assist you and your family in all aspects of the asbestos litigation and claims process.

To learn more about mesothelioma, asbestos law, and what to do if you have a claim, please visit California Asbestos Law

Article Source:

Toxic Asbestos - Have You Been Exposed?
By Frederick Schenk

What is the Celotex Asbestos Settlement Trust?

What is the Celotex Asbestos Settlement Trust?
By Tony Ulrich

February 1 of 1998 was the founding date of the Celotex Asbestos Settlement Trust. This trust fund was the result of the bankruptcy declared by Celotex Corporation and Carey Canada. Celotex Corporation, based off of Delaware, was originally founded in 1964.

The company specialized in manufacturing and distributing building and roofing products for residential and commercial use. Celotex's subsidiary Carey Canada ran operations in mining and processing asbestos.

Asbestos exposure is known as the cause for a variety of severe and fatal health conditions. Year after year, mesothelioma, asbestosis and certain forms of asbestos induced lung cancers are responsible for thousands of patients getting diagnosed or die as a result of having developed any of the aforementioned diseases.

Unfortunately, all illnesses caused by asbestos are known for their long latency period, in other words, before a conclusive diagnosis can be made, chances are that the disease has progressed to a more advanced stage already.

Mesothelioma and lung cancer have a poor outlook on survival, a cure is yet to be found and the current treatments are targeted to provide the patient with the best possible quality of life, but cannot prevent the disease from progressing further.

Celotex and Carey Canada had to file bankruptcy on October 12 of 1990 and the installation of the Celotex Asbestos Trust was a consequence of that.

In a nutshell, the purpose of the trust is to review valid asbestos injury claims as well as processing and issuing the compensations accordingly. But who is eligible for filing a claim with the Celotex trust?

Anyone who suffered a personal injury due to asbestos exposure while he was employed by either Celotex or Carey Canada, or any of their predecessors, is allowed to file a claim under the conditions of the trust.

Furthermore, the trust does protect those who are actually not injured yet, but may have reason and proof to be at a risk of developing an asbestos induced disease as a result of their tenure with Celotex or Carey Canada.

The initial deadline for filing a claim was March 15 of 1996. If an individual is uncertain of his eligibility, he may still go ahead and file a claim. The claim will be evaluated internally and a decision will be made as to whether or not it is found to be valid under the terms and conditions of the Celotex Asbestos Compensation Trust.

If your claim receives approval, you will get an offer for compensation. In case you accept the offer as is, you can expect a check within a few months.

But either way, it is strongly advisable to seek the help of a personal injury asbestos lawyer to assist you in filing your claim, just to make sure that all your paperwork is in order and that you will receive the maximum out of your case.

The author Tony Ulrich was diagnosed with kidney cancer in October of 2009. In his research on what his cancer could have been caused by, he came across with data that suggests a strong link to environmental toxics, such as asbestos. Please visit his Kindey Cancer and Mesothelioma website for more details.

Article Source:

What is the Celotex Asbestos Settlement Trust?
By Tony Ulrich

Steve McQueen & Exposure to Asbestos

Steve McQueen & Exposure to Asbestos
By Jessica O'Neal

Steve McQueen was a Hollywood actor who starred in over 20 movies, most notable The Great Escape & The Thomas Crown Affair. His image has been reproduced on posters worldwide and he was revered as one of the 'greats'.

McQueen was born in 1930 and died in 1980 at the age of 50, following an operation to remove/reduce several tumours in his abdomen. It is widely believed that McQueen's cancer and subsequent tumours were caused by his heavy smoking- along with co-star Yul Bremer.

However many experts, and McQueen himself suggest that it was in fact mesothelioma cancer, caused by exposure to asbestos.

Just before his death, McQueen participated in a medical interview where he suggested that his asbestos exposure over the years was to blame for his condition.

During McQueen's time with the Marines he was exposed consistently to asbestos whilst removing asbestos lagging from the pipes on the troop ships.

McQueen was also subjected to further exposure to asbestos, when filming as there was asbestos used in sound stage insulation, race-drivers' suits and helmets, and this may also have contributed to his illness.

A very high percentage of mesothelioma cases are linked with asbestos exposure. It is a rare cancer affecting the thoracic and abdominal cavities and internal organs.

The symptoms of include, pain in the lower back or side of the chest, difficulty breathing, coughing, and weight loss. Mesothelioma is the most insidious of the asbestos-related diseases in that even those with low or intermittent exposure to asbestos can be sufferers.

Whats my asbestos claim worth solicitors is a team of experts in asbestos related disease cases, including Mesothelioma, Asbestosis, Asbestos Lung Cancer & Pleural Thickening.

We deal with any asbestos claim on a "No Win, No Fee" basis so there is no cost to you and you can be assured of only the very best service.

Article Source:'Neal

Steve McQueen & Exposure to Asbestos
By Jessica O'Neal

Pre Settlement Funding in Asbestos Cases

Pre Settlement Funding in Asbestos Cases
By Tony Ulrich

Asbestos cases can last longer than you would have expected. A pre-settlement loan for a personal injury or asbestos litigation claim can help you to obtain the financial funding needed in order to bring your case to a successful end.

Lending companies provide tailored lawsuit loans if you meet their qualification profile. The advantages of working together with an accredited lawsuit loan funding company are:

- the majority of them offer so called non recourse funding
- very fast approval process
- competitive rates that you can benefit from as a client
- a broad variety of different funding models
- they work directly with your attorney to save you the administrative hassle
- offers can be declined with no additional costs at any time

In summary, if the lending company approves your application, you will receive a cash advance. Once your case has reached a settlement, you will be requested to pay back the loan. However, if you don't win your case, you don't have to pay back anything. A pre settlement funding loan can be a considerable option especially for asbestos victims.

Dealing with an asbestos induced disease means that you have to keep up with a whole myriad of expenses, including hospital bills, medical costs, loss of wages, costs for physical therapy, mortgage, rent, car payments and so forth. And I do know what I am talking about.

My wife and I were both diagnosed with cancer in 2009, so when I talk about incurred expenses, I know too well the dimensions of financial stress that comes along with a diagnosis of a serious health condition.

However, when we talk about credit institutions and borrowing money, we know that there is no such thing as a freebie.

When you consider signing an agreement for a pre settlement funding loan for your asbestos case, make sure that you fully understand the terms and conditions of the contract. Insist on full disclosure of all potential fees and charges that may apply. Do the math. What is the interest rate?

Of course, the notion of a non recourse settlement loan is enticing; however, it might not be the best possible option for you. Sometimes it turns out to be more beneficial to apply for a regular loan.

There are a lot of factors at play during a negotiation for a pre settlement funding loan, and therefore it is highly recommendable to consult with your attorney on that topic before you approach a lender.

The author Tony Ulrich was diagnosed with kidney cancer in October of 2009. In his research on what his cancer could have been caused by, he came across with data that suggests a strong link to environmental toxics, such as asbestos. Please visit his Kidney Cancer and Mesothelioma Asbestos website for more details.

Article Source:

Pre Settlement Funding in Asbestos Cases
By Tony Ulrich

Mesothelioma Claim - Things You Need to File Your Claim

Mesothelioma Claim - Things You Need to File Your Claim
By Karen Jacob Prime

You have a right to file for a mesothelioma claim if you have been diagnosed with any asbestos-related injury. Mesothelioma is a debilitating illness and most of the people who have been inflicted with this illness find themselves bed-ridden and no longer able to work.

This results in a drastic change in lifestyle and financial situation that is always too much for the patient and his family to carry on their own. Not to mention the pain and physical suffering that go with it. A successful processing of mesothelioma claim will help alleviate most of that.

What is involved in the filing of this kind of a claim? The following are the steps you will have to take in filing your claim:

1. Find a good attorney who can help you file your mesothelioma claim. Any of the asbestos lawyers in your state with a specialized expertise in mesothelioma will help you with the filing of a mesothelioma claim.

2. Once you choose among the many asbestos lawyers, be sure that you provide him or her with the following information:
a. Were you exposed to asbestos in your workplace? Where? When?
b. Medical records that confirm your mesothelioma infliction
c. Did your company inform you of the potential hazards of asbestos?
d. Did your company hold you responsible for your asbestos exposure?

These things are essential in the successful filing and processing of your mesothelioma claim. When facts and documents back up your claim, asbestos lawyers would find it easy to assist you and you will surely be compensated accordingly, especially if negligence of the company you worked for is proven.

The law particularly dictates that employers must all the time exercise responsibility in protecting their employees, most especially if hazardous substances like asbestos are involved in the work place.

Once asbestos lawyers have proven negligence on the part of the employer, such that no warning for risk of mesothelioma has been exercised, this can be a very good ground for a successful mesothelioma claim.

Asbestos lawyers involved in such cases must also get some evidence that you have lost your income due to this debilitating illness. This will be the basis of your compensation in your mesothelioma claim.

The amount will also take into consideration the income you have lost in the past as well as possible loss in the future. In the event that a patient has already died due to asbestos exposure, his or her relatives can still file for a claim.

So, get yourself a fair mesothelioma claim by looking for any of the good asbestos lawyers in your area. Get the compensation you and your family deserve and start the healing process now.

The Asbestos Attorney Center is a great place for useful information about mesothelioma claim and asbestos lawyers in general, packed with the latest practical information about asbestos health issues and law.

Article Source:

Mesothelioma Claim - Things You Need to File Your Claim
By Karen Jacob Prime

Monday, May 17, 2010

Making an Asbestos Compensation Claim

Making an Asbestos Compensation Claim
By David Smidev

Asbestos has been applied customarily for many years, mostly by people unconscious of its hazards. Because many these people were effectively put in danger at work by their employer, many affected by related diseases like asbestosis and mesothelioma are now claiming for compensation.

For the reason that symptoms of asbestos-related diseases may not appear until several years after the initial exposure, asbestos compensation claims could be backdated by years or even decades.

There are five major asbestos diseases including cancer that could grow following exposure to asbestos fibres. These are malignant mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer, pleural thickening and pleural plaques.

However, doctors who do not diagnose asbestos illness on a regular basis can misdiagnose what the condition is.

This can cause sufferers of asbestos disease mistakenly concluding they do not have a right to make an asbestos compensation claim.

It is hence very significant for sufferers of lung disease who have been exposed to asbestos fibers to immediately get in touch with a specialist lawyer or attorney for recommendation and help in obtaining an accurate diagnosis if there is any doubt.

In nearly all states, compensation can be claimed by the parents and children of the deceased victim. For people with legally established relationships with the deceased, estates could be instituted in line with state laws to determine a means of compensation.

Find a good asbestos exposure lawyer to talk about the details of your case and best course of action given your circumstance, relation to the sufferer and your state of residence.

It may also be likely for an asbestos claim lawyer to litigate for you if a loved one has recently died in consequence of one of these diseases.

However, you need to ensure that you discuss with them as soon as you can, for the reason that there is a statute of limitations that limits the amount of time in which you could file one of these claims.

If you want to get some excellent resources on ASBESTOS, please visit my site on All about Asbestos

Article Source:

Making an Asbestos Compensation Claim
By David Smidev

Could You Claim Asbestos Compensation?

Could You Claim Asbestos Compensation?
By M James

If you have been exposed to asbestos, and are suffering ill health because of it, then you may be entitled to asbestos compensation.

Here's what you need to know about asbestos, and claiming asbestos compensation.

1. Asbestos was used in buildings, both commercial and domestic from around 1900 to the1970s. As well as those who worked directly with it, people who factories, those who washed workers' clothes, those who lived near factories producing it, might be affected. In addition, craftspeople, such as electricians, carpenters, painters and decorators might be affected too.

2. Asbestosis is a respiratory illness, caused by exposure to asbestos that damages the lungs. Although the symptoms can be very similar to, and often attributed to smoking related illnesses, or just signs of old age, it could be an asbestos disease that is causing you so much pain.

3. The affects of asbestos often take around 15 to 20 years to become apparent, so it's not obviously asbestos that is causing your condition. If you have been retired for 20 years, then you might think that struggling to climb the stairs, and generally feeling unwell, is all part of getting old, rather than all due to asbestos.

4. Unlike most items and foreign bodies that are breathed in, asbestos can't be broken down easily by the body. In the process of trying to break down the asbestos, the lungs become damaged.

5. The early symptoms of asbestosis, or an asbestos related disease, include generally feeling unwell, being out of breath and having a cough that you just can't seem to shift. These symptoms can also be attributed to many conditions, and you might think nothing of them, nor bother going to see the doctor, but it could be first signs of asbestosis.

6. Over a period of time, asbestosis develops to include chest pains, and your fingers might start to deform because as oxygen isn't being exchanged properly in the blood. If you notice these symptoms, then it's definitely time to seek medical advice.

7. During the later stages, you're likely to have constant chest pain, and so problems sleeping because of the pain. Your hands and feet will probably start to swell, and you might start to cough up blood. You might attribute these symptoms to smoking.

8. Asbestos related diseases can be controlled, but the earlier the symptoms are discovered, the better. If you're anxious about any of these symptoms, and have worked in an environment where asbestos was used, then it's better to seek medical advice sooner rather than later.

9. Asbestos related diseases can lead to mesothelioma and cancer, and so you'll want to ensure that this doesn't happen.

10. Compensation can be claimed for asbestos related conditions, but it isn't easy to claim for, as it can be hard to prove which company is to blame for your condition. By talking to an experienced asbestos compensation solicitor, you'll be able to find out whether you have a case, and what sort of compensation you could be entitled to.

Now you know more about it, and what symptoms to look out for, you'll be able to seek the right medical and legal advice and see whether you're entitled to asbestos compensation.

If you want to know if you could be entitled to Asbestos Compensation, then why not speak to Fentons Solicitors? With plenty of experience with asbestos-related cases, you'll find out if you're entitled to asbestos compensation.

As well as asbestos-related claims, Fentons are also experienced Accident At Work solicitors. So if you want to know whether you're entitled to compensation, why not speak to Fentons? Find out more, by visiting today.

Article Source:

Could You Claim Asbestos Compensation?
By M James

Asbestos Claim - Get Compensated For Your Suffering

Asbestos Claim - Get Compensated For Your Suffering
By Karen Jacob Prime

Majority of asbestos injury patients in the United States can now file for an asbestos claim, to compensate them for the physical, psychological, financial and emotional suffering they have sustained due to their exposure to asbestos.

An asbestos attorney is the best person to ask for advice when it comes to filing for an asbestos claim. It can get complicated at times, but knowing the basics will help you get through it, and ensure that you get the amount of money you deserve in your asbestos claim.

Filing for an asbestos claim originated from the fact that more people are getting diagnosed with asbestos-related injuries. Just so you know, asbestos has been used in construction of houses and buildings since the latter part of the 1800's.

It was considered to be the best material there is because it is resistant to electricity, a good fire retardant, and remains to be a very cheap product.

However, it was only during the early part of the 1900's when its harmful effects to humans was discovered, thus the filing for an asbestos claim. Banning and/or limiting the use of asbestos soon followed.

But this did not stop many profit-hungry companies, which led to numerous health victims of asbestos. The only consolation that a person inflicted with an asbestos injury today is to file for an asbestos claim and pray that he or she will get compensated with the help of an asbestos attorney.

You ought to be aware that when asbestos fibers get airborne, they are easily inhaled by the people in the vicinity. Asbestos fibers are invisible to the naked eye and do not smell. They easily get to the lungs and remain there for decades until it progresses into a cancer called mesothelioma.

It can also cause other illnesses like asbestosis, lung cancer, and cancer of other internal organs. Because of the latency of the disease, people who were exposed to it won't even know about it until decades later when they get diagnosed with a debilitating disease caused by asbestos.

This is when an asbestos claim is usually made, and an asbestos attorney gets consulted about the options available for the victim.

Anybody who has been exposed to asbestos in the past should be able to file an asbestos claim. This is because there are many illnesses sprouting nowadays which are linked to asbestos exposure, asbestosis being the most common, and mesothelioma being the most fatal.

Asbestosis happens when asbestos fibers enter the lungs and the lung tissues get scarred. The body will keep producing a kind of acid to help break down the asbestos fiber but it never really does.

The acid then causes the breakdown of the lung tissues causing impairment to the lungs. People who have worked in textile industries are the ones usually diagnosed with it. It is best to treat them now rather than wait for the injury to progress into something incurable and fatal like mesothelioma. Seek the help of an asbestos attorney and immediately file for an asbestos claim.

Mesothelioma, on the other hand, is a more severe form of asbestos injury. An asbestos claim for a disease such as this is consequently higher because it is more expensive to treat and manage. What happens is, the sac that contains the heart, called pericardium, becomes infected.

This develops within 20-50 years and when it finally gets diagnosed, it is usually too late to treat. The patient can expect to live for 1 more year or two at best. With a situation as severe as this, an asbestos claim can be the only financial hope of the affected victims and their family.

Act now and consult with an asbestos attorney. Have yourself checked. If you are already diagnosed with any of the asbestos injuries, file your asbestos claim now.

The Asbestos Attorney Center is a great place for useful information about asbestos claim and asbestos attorney in general, packed with the latest practical information about asbestos health issues and law.

Article Source:

Asbestos Claim - Get Compensated For Your Suffering
By Karen Jacob Prime